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Pros and Cons of Pre-Employment Screening

The hiring process is full of opportunities for employer and prospective employee to get to know each other. Cover letters, interviews, references: These touch points provide a lot of information.

But this is the 21st century, and there are ways of gathering more detailed, probing data as the hiring process goes on.

Let’s get into it.

What is a Pre-Employment Screening?

Well, it’s not a cut-and-dried term. The pre-employment screening can be as simple as a means for whittling down a wide-ranging list of candidates (literally screening out underwhelming candidates). Alternatively, it can be as complex as an in-depth psychological profile of each candidate, or perhaps of those who make it to a particular point in the interview process.

This is different from the typical background check; these pre-employment screenings are more targeted and proactive. 

Let’s jump in to some of the benefits.

The Benefits of Pre-Employment Screenings

Filtering Unqualified Candidates

This is the baseline of pre-employment screening benefits. By efficiently filtering unqualified candidates, you and your team can focus your energy on candidates with the right skills, right away. This helpful, often cursory screening process can streamline the broader hiring process and increase the chances of finding the perfect match for the role.

(Don’t get too carried away here. We’ve got some cons coming up soon.)

Verification of Information

Accurate verification of candidate information establishes a foundation of trust, fostering a positive candidate experience and creating a transparent hiring process that benefits both the employer and the candidate. That’s what we’re all after, right? 

Consider the pre-employment screening an example of you and your team “doing your homework.” You’re likely already asking your candidates to do some legwork ahead of the interview; here’s your chance to gather a bit of research on your side and come to the interview prepared by verifying the actual narratives and details you’ll be discussing. 

Reducing Hiring Risks

Identifying potential risks during pre-employment screenings protects the company from unforeseen challenges, creating a safer and more stable work environment that contributes to long-term organizational success. Consider this checkpoint an extension of your workplace culture. A thorough screening, perhaps evening a psychological test along the lines of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, can go a long way toward demonstrating how a candidate will fit into the broader landscape of your organization.

The old saying, “One bad apple can spoil the bunch,” is apt for the workplace. You don’t want to run the risk of bringing in a new hire who came off as highly engaged in the interviews but who nonetheless does not sync up with your existing team. 

Be wary of placing too much emphasis on those personality tests, however, as they can be susceptible to manipulation, too.

Enhanced Workplace Safety

For roles where safety is paramount, pre-employment screenings contribute to a secure work environment, reassuring employees and stakeholders that the organization prioritizes their well-being.

This point echoes the previous point on risk and culture, but it’s important to note too that a pre-employment screening demonstrates to your candidate that you take hiring seriously. 


showcase your brandProtecting Company Reputation

Preserving the company’s reputation through proactive issue identification, whatever that might mean in the long run, showcases a commitment to ethical practices, fostering a positive employer brand that attracts high-caliber talent and loyal customers. 

Your hiring process is a chance to showcase your brand, too. Don’t forget that!

Regardless of your industry, it’s likely that your marketing language addresses how you actively solve your client’s problems (not how you passively sit back and wait for solutions to emerge). The hiring process is no different, so make sure you demonstrate that to your team and your candidates through the careful, deliberate use of pre-employment screenings. 

And then, of course, there are the potential drawbacks to this strategy…

The Downsides of Pre-Employment Screenings

Costs and Resources

While screenings have associated costs, investing in a thorough process upfront is a strategic decision that pays off in long-term savings and ensures a workforce that aligns with the organization’s goals. Take stock of your own team’s needs to decide what these screenings might mean to you.

There are monetary costs, ranging from the neighborhood of $30 per test to several hundred dollars, but there are also the time-related costs, too. These assessments prolong the hiring process, and it’s up to you and your team to decide if that’s an investment in the process or a cost.

Potential Legal Issues

Adhering to legal requirements not only safeguards the organization but also builds confidence with candidates, creating an environment where individuals feel secure in sharing their information. Don’t overlook these ramifications.

Potential legal issues in pre-employment screenings can arise from violating laws related to privacy, discrimination, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.. For instance, improper handling of background checks or using certain information (such as credit history) in a way that discriminates against protected groups can lead to legal challenges and damage the organization’s reputation. Compliance with relevant laws and regulations is crucial to avoid legal repercussions.

False Positives

Recognizing the potential for false positives emphasizes the importance of a nuanced approach, ensuring fair consideration for candidates and avoiding the rejection of qualified individuals based on inaccuracies.

False positives occur when screenings incorrectly identify a candidate as presenting a risk or having a negative attribute that may not be accurate. It’s important for organizations to use screening methods that are reliable and accurate, and to interpret results with care to avoid making decisions based on incorrect or incomplete information. You don’t want to miss out on terrific candidates simply because of the apparent guardrails you put in place.

Invasion of Privacy Concerns

Invasion of privacy concerns arises when pre-employment screenings involve intrusive practices that candidates may perceive as excessive or unrelated to the job requirements. For instance, extensive background checks, social media snooping, or invasive medical examinations can raise privacy issues. Respecting candidates’ privacy is crucial not only for legal compliance but also for building trust and maintaining a positive employer brand.

Addressing privacy concerns demonstrates respect for candidates’ rights, fostering trust and goodwill that can positively impact the organization’s relationships with both current and potential employees.

Lengthening the Hiring Process

While pre-employment screenings add an additional step to the hiring process, potentially leading to delays, the concern is that prolonged processes may result in the loss of top talent to competitors. Striking a balance between thorough screenings and a streamlined hiring timeline is essential to avoid missing out on qualified candidates and maintain a competitive edge in attracting and securing talent.

And now for a special message: No discussion of screening technology in the hiring process is complete without mention of rapidly evolving artificial intelligence platforms. 

In recent years, there has been a trend toward continuous monitoring and the integration of AI in pre-employment screenings.

AI tools can analyze large datasets to identify patterns and potential risks. Often, companies will use AI in the initial stages of candidate screening to analyze resumes or cover letters, and even conduct video interviews. Automated systems can assess a candidate’s qualifications, skills, and cultural fit, helping to streamline the early stages of the hiring process. This can be an efficiency, and that’s certainly how the technology is sold, but it can also pose the risk of missing out on great candidates.

With any trade-off, there are risks in handing the reins to other… let’s say decision-making entities. Know what you’re getting into, and make sure that you’re up to date on your AI platform’s particular terms and conditions. Furthermore, certain platforms, like ChatGPT 4, allow users to upload data sets for in-depth analysis. This can be a powerful tool, and you might be surprised to find just how precise and nuanced the analysis can be. 

But be cautious here: The policies and ethics around uploading sensitive information (or even basic, non-identifying information) into what is known as a “language learning model” remain unclear and undercooked. Platforms like ChatGPT 4 are designed to “learn” in part from documents that are uploaded into the system. Just know that, and proceed according to your own company’s will.




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